Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Escape to the Shenandoah Valley

It's only Tuesday, and the Niemans are already trying to find our zen like:
Which can only function as a commentary on our school + work + kids + hectic life existence right now, because our weekend was nothing short of perfect.
Just ask Seth, I almost never do anything on a whim. Miraculously, though, on Friday night we were- as usual- totally beat; but- not as usual- with no plans on the horizon. So off to the mountains we went.
We found the literal last campsite available in the state (thank you, COVID), and proceeded to drink all the beer and catch all the bass in Virginia.
The kids continued to make us proud by identifying Confederate monuments as "statues to losers" and giving them two thumbs down.
Ford made friends at the Appalachian Trail Outfitters and turned everything into a shark boat (because, Jaws.)
And Finley talked me into the totally wild Fairview Fall Fun Farm, at which we discovered that corn mazes are horrible,
corn bins are germy but a kid's dream,
calf roping (even if completely fake) is an unmitigated disaster,
and giant slides can be overcome as a team.
Also, that nobody in the Shenanoah Valley wears masks. 
Ford actually asked me, "doesn't anyone here know about the coronavirus?!"

That whole scene gave us an excuse to flee to the family favorite Rappahannock Pizza Kitchen in Sperryville, a perennial Ana & Ata fave. 
They're never far from our thoughts, particularly this time of year, in their favorite place.

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