Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Davy Crockett Goes Fishing (and Gets His Nails Done)

Thanks to a woefully overtaxed Amazon Prime delivery system, Ford got an extended birthday. 
This incredible costume arrived from Aunt Miss a day or so later and made everyone's lives exponentially better (same for the teenaged neighbor's nine week old puppy, so Davy Crockett is basically in heaven);
and yesterday the Light Up Machine Gun of Horror that he got with his birthday money from Ana and Ata descended upon us. So this is how we watch Netflix now.
Ford also was gifted this 99 cent plastic knife from a neighbor kid who outgrew it, and he loves it so much he sleeps likes this.
In what is hopefully "birthday finale" news, I opened a package of Spiderman Legos from the New Mexico Walters just now, and am delighted that I have to work tomorrow and it's Dad Day. He's definitely the Legos guy. We'll send pictures if he survives.

But given that he does this with the kids for fun, that's likely.
Aunt Natalie came through this week with kid-sized masks,
Finley continued to work on her selfie game,
and we fineigled a Ryan pool day during which everyone lived their best lives. But especially Finley.
For the most part, though, these days we divide our time between the driveway (including our jerry-rigged basketball net and Finley's makeshift nail salon)
and our favorite onpost lake; where we feel just wildly, incredibly fortunate to be able to still get really and truly outside.
On days I have to go in to the office, these two fish
 and Finley does Finley;
and we're consistently thankful to have kids who can spend the entire day playing outside with nothing but fishing poles and sticks and peanut butter sandwiches (plus the occasional unicorn onesie, obvi) for entertainment and sustenance. As well as the public spaces for them to do it.

Also, sometimes actual bass are caught. 
It's a stormy night and there are fish to be filleted in my driveway and this is my current view, so I'm signing off to lose at another game of "Hi Ho Cherry-O" and make freezer space for the ingredients of the impending fish pickling project. Wish us all luck.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Four Year Olds and "telework."

It was a week that included adventures in the yard, and on the lake.
 Also, a massively failed attempt to learn shoe-tying.
 Plus, some serious snake hunting and lake attitude,
 and freezing cold swimming,
 not to mention Barbie/ Thomas games.
The kids got to have fishing and acting-terrible time with Dad while I worked,
and join in on workouts when I was home.
On rainy days, this was my treadmill view (look closely for Finley's "Singin' in the Rain" reprise.)
Ford's fourth birthday was quieter and funnier and more endearing than we could have imagined,
 and included lots of guns and also- his fave- sausages.
Plus new bikes and failed cupcakes (we sure missed Jayne, our forever cupcake baker)
and a "small party" with the Ryans.
Now that we have a four year old, we have doubled down on schoolwork and "telework,"
which has resulted in one impressive pirate ship, some terrific crafts, and zero work actions completed.
This is what "telework" actually looks like for us, and we couldn't be more grateful/ horrified.
Photo of the week is this one, taken during a conference call. Thank goodness for great neighbors, and understanding bosses.
Hope you're all hanging in,,,

Monday, April 13, 2020

Fresh Air and First Girlfriends.

"Vorwärts und aufwärts," we suppose, and so our week consisted of lots of yard/ driveway time (yes, we are concerned about Finley in about a decade too);
being fervently grateful for our neighborhood;
and evening lake time at the Fort Bragg lakes, which are not likely to close and which we haven't appreciated nearly enough until now.
For which, again, we are grateful.
Ford got a new kayak and is stubbornly refusing any form of coaching (shocker) but delighted to be able to fish just like Davy Crockett/ Dad.
Both kids enjoyed campfire picnics (don't judge me, yes those are frozen meatballs) and generally acting like hooligans,
and I discovered I can do this. (That's me on a paddleboard towing both delinquents in a kayak.)
Seth entered a virtual fishing tournament and caught a big fish,
kids' science kits were dusted off (to my chagrin, although- to my undying relief- Seth doesn't seem to mind)
and snagging class commenced in the yard.
We kept up most of the Easter traditions on Sunday, although no one sucked instead of blew on the eggs this year and F+F called to brag about this to Missy;
the "good" dishes were laid out in honor of the late, great Mamma Gran;
and Easter egg hunting was paired with Easter axe throwing (both in Christmas PJs) because, why not?
We finished off the long weekend we were planning to spend with lots of family and friends with a beautiful day at the lake in the company of just a few (both under 10).
We paddleboarded and fished and reflected on how fortunate we are in these most turbulent of times.
Plus (photo of the week), Ford got a girlfriend. To be honest, he likes her because she's good at casting, and we wholeheartedly approve.
Happy belated Easter. We hope everybody is coping and getting some fresh air as best they can.

January was a Long Year.

January, as they say, was a long year. We weren't quite sure we would make it. Work was utter mayhem, for all the reasons I get paid not...