Saturday morning Seth and I slept in a little bit, since F+F are getting big enough to- sometimes- be left to their own devices. They made crashing noises (and apparently helped themselves to ice cream, because whoever designed bottom drawer freezers definitely did not have kids) for about a half hour before I got up and discovered this funny scene on an already 85 degree day:
Like everybody else in this part of the world, F+F are ready for fall. And the weather is not cooperating.
I had to make a brutal down-and-back to Fort Benning for work this week, so Dad Night commenced, and I got hilarious photos like these. No kidding there was also a round two of ice cream (Seth said "the first one was a sno cone!" as if that made perfect sense, and I now have no question as to why he's the favorite parent.)
We were triple booked on Saturday, with a birthday party (no pictures because we were too busy sweating to actual death) and a baby shower, to which Finley was beside-herself-thrilled to be invitedfollowed by the Fort Bragg Oktoberfest, put on by the German Army liason team. The beer and food are allegedly flown in from Munich, but Natalie and I were just there for the kid photos:
OK, we also enjoyed the beer. But the last minute trip to the costume store paid off big time (and we couldn't stop reflecting on how lucky these Army kids are to have friends-who-are-family.)
This might be my favorite photo of Handsome Ford and T3, ever. They were very proud of those lederhosen,
which- incredibly- survived more than an hour in the bounce house.
For Sunday Funday we finally gave into the fact that "fall" is a misnomer, and fled for the pool
which yielded this apropos photographic commentary on the Nieman interpretation of a "lazy weekend at home."
Never a dull moment!