Friday, February 16, 2018

Wiener dogs and so. much. chocolate.

Finley and Ford's luck held. While we struggled with Congress and ballet night
and the necessity of late night trips to Target (me), 
a sinus infection and a return to teaching (Seth), and trying to somehow pull off the commemoration of a holiday we're not even wild about ourselves

F+F reaped the chocolate covered benefits. 

Their week included destroying Sally's house,

Army-Navy basketball,
VIP status for the annual halftime wiener dog race,

blatant bribery on shopping trips,

and lots and lots of fabulous playdates.

Including an incredible princess tea party followed by a Broadway production of Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella at Ike Hall for the Finster, who was in heaven.
It was a week. One of my favorites was this "nothing to see here, just a Wednesday morning" moment.

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