Saturday, August 12, 2017

Grandma Jayne and a lot of dance parties.

Whew! Just when I think things can't get any nuttier… they do. In a big way.

I'm currently stuffed into a tighter-than-I'd-like-to-admit set of class As at a JAG outeach event at the American Bar Association conference in the city. This little field trip required me to get up at 0430 and will mean I'm not home until well after the time I'd like to be in bed on the Friday of a long week that included lots of late nights working to avoid lawsuits against the Army and West Point.

Seth had a long and busy week too, and is also stuffing himself into class As for a Friday night event, before heading to Walter Reed on Sunday to deal with a painful infection in his amputated leg.

Lots of moving parts. We're only holding it together, and eating regular meals, because Grandma Jayne is here. Thank goodness. She came to finish potty training Finley (who apparently just pooped in the potty!!) and had no idea she'd be holding down the entire homefront. But has been an absolute rock star about being dragged to events and ignored; long hours alone with kids while battling a summer cold; mountains of laundry and piles of dishes; and literally being pooped on. We don't know what we would've done if she hadn't been here.
Because she is, we've been able to enjoy a couple of breaks this week too. Friday night we had a blast at my chief of ad law's promotion ceremony, which was super kid-friendly. Finley danced and ran around with her tribe,
And Ford got a job so exhausting he couldn't keep his little eyes open.
 Saturday we recovered. Finley worked out
And Ford got in a few more zzzzs with Grandma.
By that night we were back in the game for a picnic and dance party at Trophy Point with the Ryans, courtesy of the Benny Havens band. 

These "under the stars" summer band nights with a "million dollar view" are one of the very best parts of being at West Point.
Sunday night we figured we'd have a few friends over to grill out, which turned into a BBQ for 30. Which was, as per usual, total chaos. Jayne helped put kids to bed and did most of the cleanup, and we may never throw a BBQ without her again. Although even she couldn't prevent the raiding of my closet for this hilarious fashion show.
Or this boxing match.
 A couple favorites from this week: 

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