Monday, April 10, 2017

Other People's Kids.

Other people's kids are exhausting. No matter how good- or bad- they are, they're just exhausting. They don't know your rules, they don't know you're serious about "time out," they don't know bedtime is non-negotiable, they don't know you don't do chicken nuggets for dinner. 

We had the Ryan kids on our hands this weekend. We said we'd watch them for Natalie's birthday, so she and "Big Tommy" could have a date night in the city. Plus, Finley adores Tommy (Jr.) and Mikayla, and we didn't have plans anyway. Sounded easy enough.
We are going to be recovering for weeks. 

In between nature walks and playgrounds and the making of cupcakes and uneaten waffles and food on the ceiling and trips to Round Pond and Easter egg hunts and the wildlife discovery center's program on box turtles and impromptu kid yoga and so. many. bedtime. stories... there was somehow time for fights and band-aid requests and tantrums and timeouts and "I'm not hungry"/ "I'm starving"/ "I'm not eating that"/ "Can I have chocolate?" moments. 

We laughed, we cried, we prayed for sleep, we caved and had pizza for dinner. With sushi. And chopsticks. And chocolate for dessert. Because we pick our battles. 
In "silver linings" news, although none of us slept all weekend, F+F seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. 
I think we hit every playground in the county, since we're finally seeing hints of spring weather in "the other Orange County" (and couldn't be more grateful.)
Thankfully, grasshopper grove opened for the season. What a terrific concept a "nature playground" is...!

Once there were no longer kids hanging from the rafters, we threw a couple brats (the hot dog variety) on the grill and had a couple beers with the Hennessy-Trimbles, while Jim watched the masters and Seth made bear meatloaf (a huge hit) and the kids hit up the last-season plastic pool that we had to pour boiling water into to make enticing. Post-company naptime even yielded a few seconds for me to make this German potato salad, which I highly recommend.

Overall, it was a much-needed relaxing Sunday afternoon and we are absurdly happy about the first few whispers of spring.

My favorite photo of the week is of the first pool session of the season.
Closely followed by this funny shot, of Ford taunting Finley with the bratwurst he stole from her.

And now it's time to get down to business. Thesis and taxes and last AOC exercise, oh my...!
Thank goodness we have grandparent reinforcements on the way this week.

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