It seemed like a small jaunt at the time, cutting class and tacking on a quick trip to the Ozarks with the kids before meeting Seth (who had to work) for a weekend wedding with friends in Kansas City.
Six days later, having flown through a harrowing storm, changed both kids in an airplane bathroom at the same time, survived a near-nervous breakdown when the only car rental company at the minuscule Columbia Airport only had one car seat in the middle of the night, solo road tripped across the state, lost a whole lot of sleep to sharing a room with both tiny terrorists, cleaned up after a major poop disaster while trying to keep both kids out of it (actual conversation snippet: "I did a poopy!" "Oh! Hm. Where?" "Over THERE!! (gleefully pointing)"), repeatedly burned the candle at both ends in order to catch up with some of my favorite people, and returned (after a 3am wakeup for an early flight without the benefit of coffee) to an ER visit for poor Ford whose eardrum ruptured on the plane, nearly giving me a heart attack... I. Am. Exhausted.
Nothing with two small kids in tow is a "little jaunt."
Naturally, it was worth it. It always is. The kids got to see (in Ford's case, meet) Missouri family that we see all too rarely. And Ana and Ata. Finley fell in love with Nanny's horse, and a large number of cats and dogs, none of whom returned the sentiment. The wedding was beautiful, Kansas City was fun, and I got to catch up with my "Charlottesville family."
And then there's the fact that three out of four of the Niemans love a good travel adventure.
The fourth got to fly by himself both ways, a vacation in and of itself.
So, minus major exhaustion, everybody won.
But first, we had our first kid surgery to get through. Finley had her adenoids out Wednesday morning in an attempt to get rid of the perpetually runny nose.
She also wound up with some surprise ear tubes and had a rough wakeup from anesthesia, but was a total trooper, and within hours was asking for tacos.
Just like her Dad, who used to eschew post-surgery saltines in favor of the illicit burritos he had me sneak in to the PACU.
That very same night (I swear we ran this by the surgeon), the three of us were off to the midwest. Via La Guardia. And O'Hare. (
Why is the midwest so hard to travel to??)
We eventually made it, and I was beyond grateful that Mom & Dad, whom I had assured I would be fine on my own, ignored me and met our weary band of travelers in the middle of a hailstorm in the middle of the night in the middle of Missouri, when our storm-tossed plane eventually landed.
And all was well once we got to Gran's, as it always is. Finley adored getting to hang out with Nanny's horse, Fancylegs. Who even seemed to like her.
And she got to eat her body weight in the candy jars I remember secretly raiding in my youth, and help out in the kitchen, her favorite. I love this picture of her and Mom and Gran together.
Ford, despite quietly harboring the ear infection we found out about later, was his usual charming self.
Except at night, when both kids climbed into my bed and took turns attacking each other for hours and then laughing like maniacs. (They look peaceful here. Don't be fooled.)
Our Versailles visit was way too short as usual, but we also got in a quick stop at Aunt Carol's, where the kids got to check out the fish pond and play with my cousin Jami's son Oliver.
And then it was off to Kansas City, where we shared a house in the arts district with some great friends from the grad course. Seth arrived Friday night, after a long day of delayed travel himself, which meant that Finley and I got to join Bex and Steph for a pedicure (her first) Saturday morning. She was delighted that there were "no boys! just GIRLS." And that they had this amazing chair.
Ryan's wedding, at the historic Loose Mansion, was beautiful, and we had a great time. Especially since we got to leave the littlest Niemans with Steph's nanny and have some grownup time. Not that we managed to take any decent pictures while dressed up ("like a princess," according to Finley.) Here was our best family attempt with the kids looking like hooligans, and a cute-ish candid someone snapped at the reception.
I had decided to stay an extra night to see friends, and I'm glad I did (even though, feeling a little less than stellar Sunday morning, I was a tad jealous that Seth got to hop on a plane and nap all the way home.)
A bucket or two of coffee later, we had a blast at City Market for brunch (Steph and I really felt like we nailed it, pulling off brunch + mimosas with all of our kids in tow)
and then we spent a gorgeous afternoon visiting one of my favorite places, the
Nelson-Atkins Museum and its kid-friendly sculpture garden. (And also "sharing" at a nearby playground.)
We even got to see my fabulous cousin Hannah, who stopped by for a beer and an animated performance of "Let It Go."
After a much-needed "Charlottesville family" night in with takeout and boxed wine (just like the old days!) and an earlyyyy flight out Monday, we eventually made it home, survived the ER, and are well on our way to eventually maybe someday being ready to travel again. But mostly, panicking about thesis deadlines.
Still, our midwest getaway was a blast, an incredibly special time with family, a much-needed catchup with friends, and totally worth the nutty travel.
As such, there were lots of terrific photos- but these two really cracked me up.
The look I caught Ford giving Finley as we were waiting for our brunch table,
and the look on Finley's face as Ata carved fresh pineapple and fed her the pieces.
In my next life, I definitely want to come back as Finley.
Or Seth.