Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Break in the PNW.

The rain fell softly but steadily, as it does in the Pacific Northwest in the spring. Out by the fire pit, obscured by the mist framed by tall, dark pines, and delighted by an enormous fire; the big kids roasted hot dogs with Lisa and Missy. Mom had both babies squealing with delight in the warm kitchen, and Seth was doing something at the grill on the wraparound porch that involved sausages and craft beer. Ben and I were at the table singing along to a bluegrass song loudly and tunelessly, and we laughed as Dad walked toward us folding up an empty Busch Light box. (His, not ours. Obviously.)

It was perfect. That moment, full of music and soft rain and peals of laughter from five happy kids, and the whole week. The older we get, and the fewer and farther between these moments of family togetherness become, the more precious they are.

A week in one of the most beautiful places in the world didn't hurt either.

We're home now, busy shoveling snow and missing cousins and fighting jet lag and catching up on schoolwork. But we're still glow-y from our week with (most of) the Walters Fam in the PNW. The (billions of) pictures, and a few hilarious videos, I took are here.

A couple other notes:

We missed the Bustamantes something fierce. The cousins playing together was magical and sweet and funny, and the absence of the adorable Lehua was strongly felt.

The family that hikes together stays together. And, more importantly, is willing to make trans-Pacific flights to be together. (Here's looking at you, Japan Walters, you rock stars.) Thanks, Mom & Dad, for instilling in us a love of the outdoors, uphill climbs, and beautiful views. We snuck in an epic hike one day, and it was like old times. It made us all think about how we're teaching the next generation to someday sign pledges- as we did- to "never go hiking for fun, ever" and then spend the rest of their lives doing just that.

Kids love hot tubs. And the rainy PNW should never be enjoyed without them. (Hot tubs, not kids. Although the latter is a lovely addition.)

Wikki Sticks are indispensable on airplanes when you are traveling with a toddler. So are dum dums, sticker books, and- oddly- a roll of painter's tape. Headphones, on the other hand, are totally worthless, and iPads are not nearly the Midas touch people would have you believe.

Long flights will still be terrible, no matter how well you pack.

It will always be worth it. Always.

1 comment:

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