Monday, June 13, 2016

The pool, the dentist, and my Last Week.

Ford smiles now. And not just because he has gas. He's also starting to make baby coos and be able to focus and recognize voices, and he makes hilarious faces like this one.
Just my luck- of course the sweet spot of "starting to be really interesting but still up for baby snuggles" occurs my last week of maternity leave!

It's starting to hit me that I go back to work next week. The whole thing is, fortunately, very stress-free since Seth's Mom is coming out for a couple weeks to ease the transition (and the guilt) (and, for the second kid in a row, make sure I don't have to drop a tinnyyyy baby off at daycare.) So I'm spending my last week deep cleaning the couch and getting back on the treadmill and enjoying being a stay at home Mom while it lasts.

Which means play dates for Finley (she's in the "parallel play" stage, so she enjoys her friend Vihan's toys-especially his trampoline and his police car- but studiously ignores him).
Anddd we joined the YMCA- feeling very suburban- so we've been going through the hilarious machinations it requires to get two kids to the pool. We're still getting the hang of it, and Finley's getting used to her new water wings.
Ford, on the other hand, much prefers lounging poolside to cold water. Can't say we blame him.
One of the hottest weekends on record, we split ours between the Bethesda pool and the "real city kid" version, the fountain at the Georgetown waterfront park. Finley loved Georgetown, Seth met us there on his bike,
and I got a serious workout getting two kids up the hill to the only parking space we could find on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
Of course, today was back to reality, and we kicked off Monday with a bang. Finley had her first dental appointment. At Walter Reed. Not realizing I would be responsible for holding her down, Ford and I walked into the exam room with her, blissfully unaware, and we all emerged thirty minutes later, shellshocked.
Finley did not have a great time, and bit the dentist to boot. At one point I was actually nursing Ford, who was precariously balanced on one knee, while holding a writhing Finley down in the chair with the other knee.

I'm pretty sure the trauma to all three of us is not permanent, but our week has simply got to be all downhill from here...!

A couple favorite photos from the week: the look Finley gave me Saturday night when I informed her that she could not, in fact, have "fried" (baked) pickles for dinner after she helped herself to the whole plate:
Ford looking sleepy but like such a big guy at the pool:
Finley cooling off in the fountain:
and Saturday morning, letting us know exactly what she wanted to do that day.

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