Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Long weekend, grandparent love, and lots of walking.

Remember how they used to name Friends episodes? "The one where no one proposes" and "The one with the male nanny," etc? It used to crack me up. Well, we had a long weekend, it was Valentine's Day, and Tony & Jayne came to visit. And Finley started walking like a boss. So this blog post would be titled "the one with way too many cute pictures to choose from, and definitely more than I have clever words to match." Or something like it.

OK, fine, I definitely won't quit my day job to name sitcoms anytime soon.

We had a doctor's appointment Friday morning (everything is fine, baby looks great, and we continue to be amazed by the lack of punctuality displayed by anyone at Walter Reed) and I picked up the Niemans while Seth went to school and Finley snoozed at daycare. She's been a tad clingy- for her- lately, and I wasn't sure how waking up to Grandma and Grandpa would go, but she went straight to Grandma and proceeded to not give Seth and I the time of day the rest of the weekend.

And that was before the presents came out. ("For me??")
The Niemans had brought the North Dakota weather with them, it seemed, so our big plans to play outside were derailed and we introduced them to our inclement weather plan: walking practice at the various Smithsonians. Saturday at the Udvar-Hazy Museum Finley took full advantage of all the space in the hangar, and did her best walking yet.
She was, needless to say, ridiculously proud of herself.
The museum had some amazing stuff, though. I was particularly impressed with the Discovery. Seth was partial to the Enola Gay. And Finley liked the rivets.
Sunday was even colder, and Finley requested a return trip to the American Indian Museum,
where she licked the alpaca fur
and sweet talked Dad into letting her sample the fry bread at the cafe.
Afterwards, Mom & Dad got an actual Valentine's Day date (Finley having already enjoyed her flowers from Dad and chocolates-minus-taxes from Mom). It was incredible. We went to the new-ish and amazing Passionfish in Bethesda, where Seth had his first caviar and I ate my body weight in chocolate.
We were beyond grateful to Grandma and Grandpa, who got this crazy-haired beast as a valentine date.
Monday morning it snowed
and Finley, having been devastated by Grandma and Grandpa's departure, spent the day helping make our favorite cookies and hoping their flight would be cancelled. It wasn't- but we're already looking forward to next time!
Oh- and there was sledding.

My favorite pictures from the weekend are of Finley's crinkle face (usually made when she's doing something she knows she's not supposed to, as here),
Finley's stubborn face (looking just like her Dad),
and proof that she came by it all honestly.

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