Monday, January 4, 2016

Ringing in 2016 with Resolutions and Shared Guac

So this was our New Year's last year. Kind of hard to believe how much has changed.
And also how much has stayed the same. (This was also Finley watching football with her Dad on New Year's Day. The big difference is that she did so while stubbornly wearing her favorite hat, for some reason, and stuffing her mouth with cheese.)
We did have another quiet New Year's Eve at home, which didn't appear to bum Seth out too badly since it there was college football on. I napped in front of the TV but managed to be awake at the stroke of midnight, unlike my by-then-snoring husband (the big upsets and the Vikings game still being several days away.) We waited until the next day for the much-loved (or hated, depending on who you ask) Walters Family tradition of writing new year's resolutions for each other (and then burning them), and it didn't go too badly at all (although we had to move outside due to the size of the flame.)

We also finally got around to watching Fed Up, which we highly recommend to anyone not contemplating sending their kids to public schools (because it will make you want to pack them off to Switzerland.)

One of our joint resolutions for 2016 is to squeeze in all the "DC Appreciation" experiences we can during our last 7 or so months here, since it's starting to dawn on us that it will probably definitely be the last time we live here (or in any big, interesting city). For all the times we curse the traffic and the crowds and the lack of parking, we're pretty lucky to have the proximity to places that people travel from all over the world to enjoy, and we're determined to leave here feeling like we "did" DC- and Bethesda, which is also no slouch in the culture department. We took Finley out for New Year's dinner and walked around Bethesda Row, where she enjoyed street music
and Belgian food.
Since it was definitely not my resolution to cut calories (thank you, baby #2, those sweet potato fries were for you), I sweet talked Seth into brunch at Baltimore comfort food icon Miss Shirley's the next day, where Finley and I stuffed our faces with the best chicken and waffles we had ever tasted.
And then we took her to the Port Discovery Children's Museum, which of course she enjoyed but which couldn't hold a candle to the children's museum in Minneapolis. Still, a visit had been on our "to do" list for a long time, so we felt like we were doing a killer job with our resolution so far.
We were on a roll with this resolution! So yesterday I dragged Seth and Finley out from in front of the ESPN network for a trip into the city to check out the holiday decorations at the U.S. Botanic Garden, where Finley mostly practiced her walking
and threw fits when we picked her up. (Do not be deceived by this charming photo of her.) (Also, I know I look about 12 months pregnant in it. I'm throwing away that sweatshirt.)
We were later reminded just how terrific the Smithsonian is. The National Museum of the American Indian has a great children's discovery area, where Finley got to drool on authentic baskets, was totally unimpressed by the tipi, and screamed when we made her get out of the kayak. All in all, a nice day- and validation of our family resolution to get out and enjoy our DC backyard.
Now for those personal resolutions...

This was my favorite photo of the week. We stumbled upon the Americans Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial, which is a little strange and very oddly titled, but which Finley enjoyed mostly because she had it all to herself. She loves climbing on monuments. I snapped this shot of her and her Dad, just out for a stroll.
And this one is from right before the Vikings kickoff. She apparently demanded "taxes" on the guacamole (although she won't touch it for me.) I rounded the corner from the kitchen and encountered this adorable moment.
Here's hoping 2016 is healthy, happy, and full of moments as heartwarming as they are hilarious! Cheers from the Niemans, who are off to a pretty great start.

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