Monday, April 6, 2015

Well-timed flowers, and lots of new stuff.

Seth "and Finley" sent me "just because" flowers Friday, reminding me just how lucky I am. It made my long, exhausting week.
Turned out DJ was in town for the weekend, so I spent the next several days reminding Seth how lucky he is- to have accidentally sent flowers at an extremely opportune time, and to have a very, very patient and understanding wife.
This is what my living room looked like at 4am Saturday. Sunday we won't even talk about, except to admit that it was with great satisfaction that I ordered Seth into the shower on only a couple hours of sleep so he could take his daughter to her first Easter service. If I could've guaranteed ice cold water, I would have. He smelled like a distillery but we made it, and he was a champ in church with the Very Squirmy Finley (who eventually landed us in the crybaby room of shame, banished behind soundproof glass.)
Finley had had quite a week, kicking it off with a pediatric radiology ultrasound for a worrisome bump Mom and Dad had noticed on her head. She's fine- official diagnosis: weird shaped head (which will look fine when it's finished fusing)- but the radiology department will probably never recover from her epic meltdown. Nor will we. This is the "before" shot.
She also got her four month shots (just in time for her five month birthday, we're the worst), which threw her off her game a little. But she recovered and was up to no good in no time.
We started her on (a tiny bit of) baby cereal. Jury's out on texture, and she tries to eat the bowl. So that one's a work in progress.
And she's finally allmoosssttt big enough for the jogging stroller Seth bought me, which is unbelievably awesome. The shocks on that contraption are better than the ones on my car. I can't wait to have jogging adventures with the Finster...
... which will be just in time for the warm weather that's recently started to fight its way through what was a gray, chilly, snowy winter. Although yardwork looms, we're stoked to be able to play outside with Finley. (Who loves everything about the outdoors except the sun. Which she hates. Little vampire.)
And yesterday Seth finally got his birthday present, the new TV I had promised him but which he ended up having to pick up and assemble by himself. I was going to take care of it, but we got rid of the old one Sunday and Seth informed me that Finley absolutely had to have a living room TV that night so she could watch "her hoops" (the women's Final Four.) So this happened.
They're such cute partners in crime (see photo of the week below), all I can do is laugh. And give in. So that pretty much spells disaster. And a giant, 4k- whatever that is- new TV it is.

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