Tuesday, December 2, 2014


The 27th of November marks Seth's "alive day," the anniversary of the day he was blown up, costing him his leg but gifting us all with a new lease on life and a bottomless well of gratitude. I've never really asked him how he feels about celebrating the occasion- probably should- but it's always a special day of reflection and thanks for me. This year it was also Thanksgiving, and boy do we have a lot to be thankful for! I, for one, couldn't be more thankful for my little family, especially a husband who brings home chocolate and wine, does the grocery shopping, picks up fish tacos when he knows I've had a long day, changes diapers (and thinks I do an inferior job at it), and is a wiz with Finley during baby witching hour when I need a break. Not to mention that he seems to enjoy doing it all, no matter how tired he is. There's no way I could have guessed, just two years ago, what a remarkable family man the big tough guy would turn into. I got really lucky, and I know it.

The Walter Reed days seem far behind us now, another thing we're thankful we survived. We celebrated the holiday this year with the annual Taylor Family 5k followed by a trek out to the mountains for a couple days of snowy family time. It was Finley's first trip, and we were a little nervous, but she proved to be a pretty good traveler. And we proved to ourselves that you can, in fact, travel with an infant. If you're willing to pack heavy and sleep light.

We were, and a good time was had by all. Seth got to spend some time in a treestand hunting bears, and Finley and I went for long walks and hung out by the fire. Also, I braved the snotsucker when she got the sniffles, and the damned thing works.

I managed a Thanksgiving dinner, heavy on the prepackaged starches but celebratory nonetheless (especially as Seth procured mimosa supplies!)

Finley took enough daytime naps that we got to sit in the hot tub in the snow, something I think is the ultimate luxury (and, judging from this picture, Seth agrees.)

And Finley continued to be an ardent and vocal night owl, but we- obviously- love her anyway.

She also managed to poop on every blanket in our cabin and get a sink bath, but that's a story best told over beer (and probably my fault anyway, truth be told.)

With no internet and very little reception, we enjoyed our mountain getaway but didn't get to tell our family and friends- near and far- how thankful we are for them too. (Very.)

Couple photos of the week. The first one cracks me up. Finley has won the swaddle war. She sleeps like this, and has to have her arms available to throw gang signs (apparently) in her sleep. You win some, you lose some.

Today, Seth played Mr. Mom (to my eternal gratitude, and Finley's delight, judging from the fact that they went through an insane number of bottles and she seems exhausted from all the fun) and I got a taste of what it's like to feed Finley, put her back to sleep, pump, spill milk on uniform, change, swipe at more milk on clean uniform (how on earth...?), commute, then race home to feed Finley again before milk leakage appears all over my uniform. (That one will take a little practice.) The occasion was my swearing in to the Supreme Court bar, and I was thrilled that my Dad could be there, and that Finley's Dad had things under control at home. It was quite a Dad- daughter day. (And my own will eventually forgive me for the fact that we got stuck listening to the world's most boring Supreme Court argument after the swearing-in, the promised escape hatch of a break never having materialized. Eventually.) Also, I appreciate the many people who have said nice things about my ability to have squeezed myself into this heavily-tailored uniform so soon after Finleys birth. It's a lovely sentiment, but they have no idea how much reinforced spandex it required. Only now can I breathe normally. I felt a little like Scarlett O'Hara, so heavily corseted was I.

And finally- I'm missing a sister trip to Palawan right now. Missy and the Bustamantes are headed there today. And although time at home with our little beast is precious, we can't wait to be able to adventure with her. For now, this picture of our adorable world traveler of a niece will have to suffice. Happy Trails, guys!

1 comment:

January was a Long Year.

January, as they say, was a long year. We weren't quite sure we would make it. Work was utter mayhem, for all the reasons I get paid not...