It may be post-Labor Day, and we may be up to our eyebrows in homework and sports and Halloween costume planning, but it is still warm enough here to make hayrides and pumpkin patches seem vaguely ridiculous. (To say nothing of Thor helmets.)
And yet here we find ourselves. We sweltered at the #mdcornmaze (right down the street) this weekend.
To be fair, it was pretty cool. And will be slammed in a month, when the weather is bearable.
Surprisingly, no one had a maze meltdown
or caught rabies. (Farm festivals are not my fave.)
We're full into the school ratrace now, having survived a Jackie/ April/ Gunnar visit somewhere in there;
and with grandparents in North Dakota, we are in tag team/ zone defense mode.
(Karate and baseball and dance, oh my!)
Plus the absolutely delightful Gaelic sports (football and hurling) on the weekends.
Sunday we hit the Anne Arundel County fair, also right up the street, and also fiery hot and terrible/ charming.
And now we're counting down until Ana & Ata arrive (and we have a high below 80, allegedly both this week.) Until then, it's ice cream and sunblock all 'round.