Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019.

It's the day after Christmas, so naturally our current status is this: 
(Ninja turtle Power Rangers, up at dawn.)
Christmas snuck up on us amidst 60 degree temps and glorious half days at work, which allowed us to enjoy ruined date afternoons (here's Seth, fixing a bike tire we later blew to smithereens),
afternoons warm enough for bike rides,
 and alltheholidaybaking. To which Ford really took a shine.
 Plus morning yoga,
catching up with old friends (and their kids, and, apparently, teaching babies to play flip cup),
and the surprise introduction of the Dancing Rabbi, a gift from our "Jewishy" friend Leah. Whose baby is getting the worst Hannukkah gift we can think of, courtesy of the fact that Ford now raps "kickin' it kosher with my Hebrew crew."
Grandma and Grandpa arrived after a long drive from North Dakota (undertaken solely so the kids could hang out with "their" dogs, and only because they're saints) on Pajama Day at school.

Thanks again for the matching jammies, New Mexico Walters, they made up for a lot of forgotten-about spirit days.
The subsequent runup to Christmas comprised this hilarious scene with the taxidermy Jayne & Ton had hauled from the Arctic,
Ford and my massively failed attempt to get the boxers on the golf cart,
lots of spontaneous dance parties,
 and a surprise Moms-Boys
(and Finley- Grandparents) Date to Disney on Ice
which was way cooler than any of us had imagined.
Seth and I also had a challah-making contest for the ages (he, admittedly, won);
Christmas cookies with friends were somehow pulled off;
we squeezed in some family snuggles;
and Ford discovered, randomly, that although he eats literally nothing, he loves eggnog.
Holiday exhaustion notwithstanding, Christmas Eve found us practicing for the Christmas play (with baby Jesus in a laundry basket)
and brunching with friends, thanks to the unseasonably warm temps, in our underwear.

Because why not?
 Oh yeah, and attending church, in an attempt to atone for our many sins.
Which- in an epicly genius move- gave out glow sticks for the kids' candlelight service but at which Ford insisted on a "dang'wous" candle anyway.
Christmas morning dawned bright and magical, as it does for only a few perfect years when kids are little enough to have been unable to stay up all night for Santa but big enough to appreciate new bikes and ninja swords
(and weird, creepy pin-on "Elsa hair.")
The rest of the day was spent figuring out (in vain) how to use walkie-talkies,
devouring the traditional Walters Family Belgian waffles,
giving the walkie-talkies another shot at the park on a 60 (!!!) degree day
and recovering to the tune of "The Polar Express."
Before a kid rager with their besties
and a day-after that involved more stunning weather and a lot of bike lessons. (Thank goodness for Grandma's unending patience.)
Some of my faves from the holiday include this hysterical post-Christmas play encore, 
and this snuggle with Grandma and Grandpa. 
We're loving our stay-at-home family holiday this year, and hope everybody else's was special too!
Also, I got a roomba from J&T and I'm over the moon. It's the actual best thing ever. Merry Christmas 2019!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Holidays, Kid Dates, and Catering Duty.

Seth came home on Monday, with a giant deceased buck in tow, and the reception was nothing short of epic.
Of course, these were the family members who didn't have to clean deer parts off the driveway, but point taken.

They were also the two who started gymnastics Wednesday night:
called occasional truces:
discovered Christmas Nutella:

and got to write letters to Santa at the Club. (Notably, they both asserted "I've been good." Hmmppph. Debatable.)
Friday was the USASOC holiday party, which included guns, Santa, and
the Very Famous T-24 Weasel. Which obviously impressed Finley.
The rainy but epic daytime party was followed by- because holidayoverload- an adults-only social, at which we inexplicably (thank you, Natalie) wound up on kitchen duty. Which turned out to be the best part of the night.
And then it was time to Beat Navy. The Ryans threw a rager, which may not have had the intended effect on the score, but which did involve kid sports,
cookie decorating,
sword fights,
fire pits,
and the illicit and ravenous consumption of two entire boxes of donuts (meant for breakfast).
We did not, our efforts notwithstanding, beat Navy.

But still had Christmas lights to put up Sunday (here, Ford is watching both of his parents on one very shaky ladder),
plus a Nutcracker showing to attend (I accidentally got tickets to the NC State Ballet instead of the Moscow Ballet showing, and we didn't mind the downgrade a bit),
and a kid date night
that included shopping and makeup sampling (for Fin and I),
and shooting and bowling (for the boys).
It was  a lovely respite before the holiday craziness started, made even better by this epic night (and my favorite photo of the week): football, a fire, Aunt Carol's beautiful quilt, an off-camera glass of pinot noir, and a "not tired" Ford with his Secret Santa gift
(who fell asleep about ten seconds later.)

Cheers to the holidays! It seems they are upon us.

January was a Long Year.

January, as they say, was a long year. We weren't quite sure we would make it. Work was utter mayhem, for all the reasons I get paid not...