Once I had kids of my own, though, the thought of losing one of them became so utterly unbearable that on days like today I don't know what to say to Seth's parents because I literally don't know how they have held it together so well. Finley often looks like the baby pictures of Savanna I've seen, and as I watched her funny little one-armed swagger across the kitchen this morning, I thought of Savanna, and of Jayne and Tony, who just left yesterday and managed- as always- to bring nothing but light and joy. The tears started and wouldn't stop.
Postpartum hormones probably helped, and my funk rubbed off on Ford- who fussed all morning- and was not at all helped by the loud crashing and drilling sounds issuing from the kitchen. We have a bunch of contractors here today and tomorrow ripping out kitchen counters and generally tearing the downstairs apart. When I had had enough of being an upstairs hostage with a crying baby on my hands, I gave another thought to Savanna, who apparently was an adventurous soul, and dragged Ford out for dosas.
Naturally, he slept through lunch and I spilled hot sauce all over him and his blanket (turmeric, why do you have to be so orange...?)
Weekend hangover reigns supreme here, after a lovely long one celebrating Seth's graduation with Tony & Jayne. Of course kids have a way of taking over, so graduation day was primarily characterized by the Herculean effort that was getting everybody out of the house and successfully through morning beltway traffic in time for the 8am (!!) ceremony. Followed closely by Finley/s attempt to climb all the stairs in the Xfinity Center and subsequent nuclear meltdown, ruining all of the family pictures and forcing me to skip the reception and beat a hasty retreat in the direction of naptime.
But I couldn't be more proud of Seth, who pulled countless late nights and a very impressive recovery-family-work-school juggling act to get his master's in kinesiology. It's a big milestone for him, and for us, and makes us think about the fact that we're getting ready to move on to the next big thing (and are close to putting Walter Reed behind us forever.)
Finley was mostly just impressed by the hat.
We had lots to celebrate this weekend, as it was also Jayne's birthday. It was a beautiful whirlwind of cupcakes and crabcakes and grilling out and couch snuggles and walks to the park and being able to say "why don't you take that to Grandma?"
Grandparents really are the best.
Yesterday, of course, after the grandparents were gone and yet another day of torrential downpours was underway, both kids refused to nap and were generally unrecognizable little terrorists from sunup to (way past) sundown. Seth and I exchanged wry looks of "this cannot be our life" at dinner, slamming our food in silence while Finley wailed like a siren and threw her salad on the floor, and Ford was on his third hour of eating and shrieking about it. It was kind of like a bad movie. What can you do but laugh?
At least we had memories like these from our weekend:
And the promise of more grandparent time in the near future.In the meantime, there's this with which to contend. (Finley pushing Ford's stroller downhill toward the big road. She looks to have been- and was- caught in the act. The clear photo of the week.)
Cheers to Monday! Surely I didn't drink all the wine...