I looked over my shoulder at Seth, sprawled out in the passenger seat of our rented minivan. He was singing along with the "Mandatory Marley Hour" on the radio. Over his shoulder I could see the lush green folds of the Ko'olau Ridge and below them, the cerulean blue of the shallow edges of the ocean before they faded darker, into so many shades of blue I mentally ran out of names for them. It was hard not to relax and melt into the "island-ness" of it all.
It was good to be back in Hawaii, even without the whole Walters clan. The travel to get there is so miserable I tend to dread the trip- and had been particularly worried about this one, at 30 weeks pregnant. But we had promised to be at Mike and Marlena's wedding, and figured it would be our last long plane ride for awhile at any rate, so we sucked up the banged-up knees and sleeplessness and jet lag in the name of a "babymoon" and a little aloha.
And it was utter perfection. Well, OK, the cabin at Bellows we stayed in could've used a/c in August (and a good can of Raid anytime), and I couldn't stave off a little jealousy at Seth's evenings of Longboard Lager with friends (this seems particularly egregious at weddings, which were not meant to be enjoyed with Fresca), and we did- as always- wind up doing a ton of driving, criss-crossing the island to see people and do things at a pace most vacationers probably find incongruous with a tropical paradise. But the wedding was gorgeous, we did squeeze in an awful lot (vacationing Walters-style, I call it), and we wound up feeling insanely lucky that we had gotten to spend some downtime together and some quality time with the Bustamantes. Who were really the highlight of the trip.
Sara and Daniel were hospitable as ever, juggling their crazy schedules around ours, and we couldn't get enough of the sweet, effervescent Lehua, who was wild about her "Uncle Set." (She did save a few snuggles for me, and was beyond cute patting my stomach and
su prima, but the two of them were thicker than thieves, and it was basically the most adorable thing ever.)
We didn't wind up doing as much sleeping in as we had planned on, but we did get to go ocean kayaking and Sara talked us into shark cage diving, which was pretty epic (and, hilariously, Seth's first experience with a snorkel.) Sara and I did some hiking, while Seth deep sea fished (and shore fished, and pier fished), and- because the Bustamantes really are the best tour guides around- Daniel even fished up some giant sea turtles for his second snorkeling experience. We made a pilgrimage to Teddy's Bigger Burgers, and- sadly, Missy- they whipped us at bocce. Although sunset bocce at Ala Moana park is tough to beat no matter the score.
I've left a billion things out I'm sure, having only recently survived the horrific trip back (arriving just in time for rush hour traffic!) and tackled the mountains of sandy laundry and appellate briefs waiting on this end. I'm not even ready to comprehend the yardwork that awaits... with a long weekend about to kick off, we may "think about that tomorrow," a la Scarlett O'Hara.
Suffice it to say, our August dose of Aloha was just what the doctor ordered, and- although we miss the Bustamantes a ton and wish they lived closer- are committed to our current vow not to take any more lengthy plane trips for a long, long time. The timing really couldn't be better on that.
The photo of the week is maybe my favorite one ever, of Lehua and Uncle Set at Ala Moana.
Oh, and in the midst of the whirlwind that has been our life lately, I almost forgot! Seth got his way (by doing all of the unpleasant legwork, for which I am eternally grateful), and Baby Nieman has a new car. A shiny Ford C Max that looks only a little Mom car-ish and gets 40-45 mpg. It was incredibly hard to say goodbye to the Escape, with 150,000 memorable miles of it and which I was actually living in when I fell in love with Seth in Colorado, but it was time. And I have to admit it's pretty nice to have air conditioning and satellite radio.
And although- in a Major Vacation Miracle- my iPhone survived a dip in the waterfall, the case and cord for the good camera were not so lucky, so those pictures will have to wait to be downloaded. The (unedited) ones from my phone are